[Video] Drone above the "Ornum Noor" near the netinsiders headquarters

The beautiful Ornum Noor is just around the corner of our headquarters in Bohnert. We've never been able to see it from the the bird's-eye / drone's view. You can now watch the video of the drone flight.

Lesedauer: 0:44 Minuten -18Sept2014


Glass fibre in Bohnert.

Lesedauer: 0:01 Minuten -08April2011

Historie Glasfaser

Websites for mobile devices, e.g. the Apple iPhone on basis of TYPO3.

We are proud to offer you optimised websites for mobile devices. Based on TYPO3, you have no additional cost for maintaining your homepage.

Lesedauer: 0:07 Minuten -01Juni2009

Rund um uns

"NET-insiders | Werft für Mediendesign" is registered as a trademark

Lesedauer: 0:02 Minuten -17Jan2008

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Launch of nimastercontrol CMS | NET-insiders relies on CMS TYPO3

From today, we offer provide the design of your websites based on the content management system TYPO3.

Lesedauer: 0:12 Minuten -22Mai2006

Rund um uns

Move into the new company offices - The apple is introduced

Lesedauer: 0:02 Minuten -01Juli2005

Rund um uns

V. 1.0 | Website for NET-insiders

After long consideration, we reached a decision. Our company is called NET-insiders.

Lesedauer: 0:04 Minuten -01April2003

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Foundation of NET-insiders

Frederik Horn founded the company "NET-insiders | Werft für Mediendesign" on his own when he was still studying. With the specialisation on web-based solutions, the foundation was laid.

Lesedauer: 0:07 Minuten -25März2003

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Creation of the World Wide Web

The largest source of information in history. Tim Berners-Lee and the beginnings. Berners-Lee also wrote the first web server software. The computer the software was installed on could be reached under the name info.cern.ch. At Christmas 1990, Berners-Lee provided the first worldwide web pages written in HTML there.

Lesedauer: 1:16 Minuten -24Dez1990

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